Envirologic Tech Diamond Concrete

Subsurface Tank Locating
Environment Assessment

Prior to a land purchase, Diamond scanned over 60,000 square feet using a subsurface tank locating system to determine if fuel tanks were still underground in a former gas station location.

The Client

Envirologic Technologies

The Project

Envirologic Technologies is a regional environmental consulting firm with major municipal, commercial, and industrial clients. An entity contemplating the purchase of a parcel of land where a gas station once existed retained Envirologic to conduct an environmental site assessment. Envirologic needed to know if underground fuel tanks were still present or had been removed from the site.

The Plan

Diamond’s detailed plan included surveying the entire site—if tanks were to be found, their location would be carefully mapped. By noninvasively mapping the presence of tanks prior to soil testing and excavation, the damage associated with tank rupture or hydrocarbon contamination of the ground and groundwater can be greatly reduced.

The Process

A Diamond engineer surveyed the entire 60,000-square-foot parcel in a grid pattern using a 400 mHz antenna designed to clearly identify underground objects such as storage tanks. By noninvasively mapping the presence of tanks or other underground objects, the client greatly reduced the risk and expense associated with discovery during excavation or soil boring.

The Outcome

After five hours of scanning, three underground storage tanks were located. This allowed Envirologic engineers to test the soil surrounding the tanks for contaminants—finding none, the tanks were safely removed. “We at Envirologic regularly use the services of Diamond on sensitive jobs like this one,” said David Stegink, project manager for the company. “Their professional know-how, equipment, and trained staff are some of the reasons we will continue to use them in the future.”

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